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What You Need To Know About Sex Tourism
Many of us enjoy being a tourist. Exploring new places and cultures, tasting different kinds of food, and bathing in the sun while it's...

7 Places You Might Be Inadvertently Supporting Human Trafficking
Did you know… your everyday activities may have involved human trafficking? Listed below are 7 places you might not expect to find it. As...

LGBTQIA+ and Human Trafficking
Hey Changemaker, Did you know there’s an intersection between human trafficking and the LGBTQIA+ community? One of the factors that makes...

12 MUST READ Memoirs by Trafficking & Exploitation Survivors
Sometimes the best documentation doesn't come from research or a scientific study but from someone's testimony. A personal narrative....

Then & Now: Human Trafficking in the Ukraine
by: Abigail "The refugee crisis in Ukraine is the trafficker's is the Venezuelan refugee crisis. Hence, why are there...

Can You See Her?
by: Abigail Eernisse \\ originally published in H3R Business Magazine in September 2021 What if we could build a world where women are...
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